IV Vitamin Therapy and Hydration

Intravenous, or IV, therapy is a way of delivering nutrients or medications directly into your blood stream via a drip where they can immediately be used by the body for essential functions, wellness, health improvement and recovery.


  • IV therapy bypasses the digestive tract and delivers hydration and vitamins directly into the blood stream.
  • It is the fastest way of delivering treatments into the body allowing 100% of the vitamins and antioxidants to be available and allowing higher concentrations to be reached than possible by oral intake.
What should I expect after my treatment?

Vitamin infusions are tailored to meet specific needs; energy, general health and well being, muscle aches, hydration, poor sleep, strenuous fitness regime.

How many treatments will I need?

We recommend supplements to maintain high levels of vitamin in the blood therefore treatments can be performed at longer intervals.


Treatment time 1 hour






Energy Boost:


Autoimmune boost:


SKN Glow:
